confined aquifer承压含水层;被封含水层
unconfined aquifer非承压含水层;不受压含水层;无压含水层
- Recharge areas are necessary for a healthy aquifer.
补给区对于一个正常的含水层来说是必需的。 - Sometime the term artesian is used to denote a confined aquifer.
Stochastic analysis of macrodispersion in a stratified aquifer
Field study of dispersion in a heterogeneous aquifer: 2. Spatial moments analysis
Estimation of Aquifer Parameters Under Transient and Steady State Conditions: 3. Application to Synthetic and Field Data
Estimation of Aquifer Parameters Under Transient and Steady State Conditions: 1. Maximum Likelihood Method Incorporating Prior Infor...
A natural gradient experiment on solute transport in a sand aquifer: 4. Sorption of organic solutes and its influence on mobility
Microbial Diversity in a Hydrocarbon- and Chlorinated-Solvent-Contaminated Aquifer Undergoing Intrinsic Bioremediation
A natural gradient experiment on solute transport in a sand aquifer: 2. Spatial moments and the advection and dispersion of nonreact...
A natural gradient experiment on solute transport in a sand aquifer: Spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity and its role in t...
Stimulating the In Situ Activity of Geobacter Species To Remove Uranium from the Groundwater of a Uranium-Contaminated Aquifer
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