A MIXER VALVE OF THE SINGLE LEVER TYPE INCORPORATING MEANS FOR AVOIDING PRESSURE SURGES DURING THE FINAL STAGE OF LEVER MOVEMENT IN ...Composition and temporal change of the macrofauna in a shallow, sandy bottom in the Lysekil archipelago, western SwedenAn application of functional analysis to time optimal control of linear discrete systems with output constraints ☆Die Kombination Gaschromatograph-Massenspektrometer zur Bestimmung organischer SubstanzenPerspectives on process mining within cloud computingPENGARUH ORIENTASI TERHADAP TINGKAT KECEMASAN PASIEN YANG DI RAWAT DI RUANGAN MELON RUMAH SAKIT DAERAH MADANI PROPINSI SULAWESI TENGAHType II-Activated Murine Macrophages Produce IL-4IMMOBILIZATION OF ?-AMYLASE FROM Pennisetum typhoides INSIDE GELATIN BEADS AND ITS CHARACTERIZATIONMechanisms Involved in Type II Macrophage Activation and Effector FunctionsAdsorption Isotherm of Some Heavy Metals in Water on Unripe and Ripe Peel of Banana