Lyapunov functions: necessary and sufficient conditions for practical stabilityNondifferentiable optimal control problems for matrix defferential equationsThe possibility of constructing a chemical laser at the B-X electron transition of IF moleculesThe efficiency of resonant laser conversion of hydrogen fluoride radiationTHE ANALYSIS OF FUNCTIONAL DISTURBANCES IN PATIENTS WITH MALIGNANT TUMORS AND WITH DEFECTS OF MAXILLOFACIAL AREA AFTER SURGICAL TREA...ARRITJE TË ZYMTA. RRETH DECENTRALIZIMIT NË MOLDAVIExcitation of HF molecules by resonant emission and emission converters for chemical HF lasersOn nondifferentiable problems of the optimal control of matrix differential equations.INTEGRAL PRESENTATION OF A CONVEX FUNCTION PARAQITJA INTEGRALE E FUNKSIONIT KONVEKSEffect of blasting on seismic activity and dynamic events in rockburst-hazardous underground mines in Siberia