Ytterbium-doped large-core fiber laser with 1.36 kW continuous-wave output power
Ytterbium-doped large-core fibre laser with 1 kW of continuous-wave output power
787–Drug-DNA interactions and extracellular metabolism of KW-2149: A novel mitomycin C analogue activated in serum
Ytterbium-doped large-core fibre laser with 1[emsp4 1/4-em space]kW of continuous-wave output power
111 kW (0.5 mJ) pulse amplification at 1.5 μm using a gated cascade of three erbiumヾoped fiber amplifiers
Current Status of 300 kW Class Industrial Ceramic Gas Turbine R&D in Japan
Current Status of 300 kW Industrial Ceramic Gas Turbine R&D in Japan
NIH Image to ImageJ: 25 years of image analysis.
WAF1, a potential mediator of p53 tumor suppression.
The river continuum concept