用作名词 (n.)
~+介词- a loaf of bread一条面包
- a loaf of cheese一大块干酪
用作动词 (v.)
~+副词- loaf contentedly满足地混日子
- loaf corruptly腐败地虚度
- loaf disgracefully不光彩地虚度
- loaf dreamily〔drunkenly〕醉生梦死
- loaf enjoyably快乐地虚度
- loaf idly游手好闲地闲逛
- loaf wastefully挥霍地度日
- loaf about〔around〕游手好闲
- loaf away虚度
- loaf away one's time虚度光阴
~+介词- loaf about游手好闲
- loaf at在…闲逛
- loaf on在…上不认真
- loaf through虚度
- loaf through life虚度年华
loaf of bread长面包,面包片
meat loaf肉糜卷;肉馅糕
- That small loaf won't go far among this large family!
那一小条面包全家人吃不了多久的。 - He bought a loaf of bread.
- He used to loaf about and ultimately took to drink.
他过去终日游手好闲,最终沉溺于酗酒。 - Those who loaf all day and do nothing are social parasites.
饱食终日,无所事事的人是社会上的寄生虫。 - Nobody should loaf away his precious time.
Loaf volume and protein content of hard winter and spring wheats
Production of whole wheat bread with good loaf volume.
Effect of the outer bran layers on the loaf volume of wheat bread.
Effects of loaf volume, moisture content, and protein quality on the softness and staling rate of bread.
Transcription factor haploinsufficiency: when half a loaf is not enough.
A mechanism by which shortening and certain surfactants improve loaf volume in bread.
Moisture redistribution throughout the bread loaf during staling and its effects on mechanical properties.
Cereal Chem 1995 | Moisture Redistribution Throughout the Bread Loaf During Staling and Its Effect on Mechanical Properties.
The effect of dairy and rice powder addition on loaf and crumb characteristics, and on shelf life (intermediate and long-term) of gl...
Bread from composite cassava-wheat flour: I. Effect of baking time and temperature on some physical properties of bread loaf