用作名词 (n.)
形容词+~- neglected lad没人照管的少年
- enterprising lad有进取心的小伙子
- old lad老伙计,老乡
- young country lads年轻的农村少年
~+介词- lad in his teens十几岁的小伙子
- lad of eighteen 18岁的青年
- He is just a lad.
他不过是个小青年。 - He's a nice lad, but a bit slow on the draw.
他是个挺不错的小伙子,就是头脑欠灵活。 - He's a nice enough lad, but he doesn't seem to have much gumption.
LAD: Localization Anomaly Detection forWireless Sensor Networks
LAD: Localization Anomaly Detection forWireless Sensor Networks
Trimmed Lad and Least Squares Estimation of Truncated and Censored Regression Models with Fixed Effects
The prediction of muscular lad sharing and joint forces in the lower extremities during walking.
The Longhorn Array Database (LAD): an open-source, MIAME compliant implementation of the Stanford Microarray Database (SMD)
Performances of LAD Regression, M-Regression and Quantile Regression Methods in order to Investigate Stock Prices of the Banks in th...
Proses Pengolahan Susu UHT (Ultra High Temperature) dan LAD (Lactic Acid Drink) "Real Good"di PT. So Good Food Boyolali
디지털 영상의 근간을 이루는 디지털 인터미디어트에 관한 연구 -Digital LAD를 중심으로-
(P04) High Volume of Low Dose Radiation Delivered to the Left Anterior Descending (LAD) Artery May Increase Risk for Coronary Artery...
Structural evolution and sequence of thrusting in the High Himalayan, Tibetan—Tethys and Indus suture zones of Zanskar and Ladakh, ...