- They would not be likely to alight on the surface of the sea.
它们大概不会降落于海面上。 - Flotation collars are used to buoy space capsules that land in the sea.
A Study of the Restoration of Heathland on Successional Sites: Changes in Vegetation and Soil Chemical Properties
A Comparison of Techniques for Restoring Heathland on Abandoned Farmland
Effects of Set‐Aside Land on Farmland Biodiversity: Comments on Van Buskirk and Willi
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Scale-dependency of spatial variability of soil moisture on a degraded slope-land on the Loess Plateau
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How do somersaulters land on their feet?
Influence of the Separation of Rural Land on Cropland Ridge Coefficient :A Case Study in Yong Chang County in Hexi Corridor Region
Restoration of Calluna heathland on a bracken Pteridium -infested site in north west England