urban landscaping n. 城市绿化
- The flooring and landscaping will be done by contractors.
地板铺设和室外美化将由承包人来做。 - Phil teamed up with his brother-in-law to start a landscaping business.
landscaping revolutionLandscaping the Cancer TerrainThe Landscaping Revolution (Book Review)ONCOGENESIS: Landscaping the Cancer TerrainGardening and urban landscaping: significant players in global change.Vibrating Sod Cutter Attachment For Landscaping ImplementLANDSCAPING, PLANT POTTING, AND HORTICULTURE METHODS ACCORDING TO THE TRADITIONAL ORIENTAL OR KOREAN MEDICINELandscaping climate change: a mapping technique for understanding science and technology debates on the World Wide Web.Urbanization Increases Grassland Carbon Pools: Effects of Landscaping in Colorado's Front RangeSampling arthropod diversity for urban ecological landscaping in a species-rich southern hemisphere botanic garden