A tale from the Island of Laputa: The UNCHS (Habitat) crowding and health project from the perspective of two reluctant LaputansKerrjak: Not all of laputanDepartment of Computer Science, University of Pretoria, 0083, Hillcrest, Republic of South Africa Voice:(+ 27)(12) 420-2361 Fax:(+ 2...An Alternative to Thick Clients for Personal Wireless DevicesCreadores de Porlaputa se aventuran con su cuarto juego Escape from Montegrande1819 LaputaThe Scientific Background of Swift’s ‘Voyage to Laputa’Laputa Castle in the SkyCommoning tra Brobdingnag e Laputa: il caso di Villa San Pio a Partinico (Palermo)Laputa, el Moco y el Pajero