In vivo analysis of Pim-1 deficiencyA study of the factors controlling the adsorption of Cr(III) on modified montmorillonites.Chemical composition and anti-microbial activity of the crude oils extracts seeds of Acacia arabica and raddiana from Hoggar (South ...Mata-analysis in clinical trials.Novel splat-quenching techniques and methods for assessing their performance ☆Structure study of amorphous Gd-Y AlloysHydrogen in liquid-quenched and vapour-quenched amorphous Pd 80 Si 20 ☆X-RAYS DIFFRACTION STUDY OF BINARY METALLIC Cu-Y GLASSES USING ANOMALOUS DISPERSIONEdge of disorderMetastable phase in annealed amorphous Ni 0.8-x Fe x B 0.12 Si 0.08 ribbons: Structural and magnetic studies