Eph. 4:19 Who, being past feeling,havegiventhemselvesovertolasciviousness to work alluncleannessingreediness.
Andlest,whenIcomeagain,myGodwill humblemeamongyou,andthatIshall bewailmany which have sinned already, and have not repentedof theuncleannessand fornicationandlasciviousness
Forthe time pastof our life may suffice us to havewrought the will of the Gentiles,when we walked in lasciviousness,lusts, excess ofwine,revellings, banquetings, andabominableidolatries
Leonine lasciviousness and LutherPortrayal of Lasciviousness; an Analysis of Indian TV AdsPIECE OF CAKE; Acts of lasciviousness may be applied with R.P. bishopThe Gods’ Lasciviousness, or How to Deal With It? The Plight of Early Modern MythographersMocha Girls Member Charges Drunk with 'Acts of Lasciviousness'Rectifying Lasciviousness through Mystical Learning: An Exposition and Translation of Ruan Ji's "Essay on Music"The View of "Lasciviousness of Intention"and the Essenceof poem-written novel of sex description in Dream of the Red ChamberThe Spanish fandango: from eighteenth-century "Lasciviousness"to nineteenth-century exoticismCarl Linnaeus: his nomenclatural wantonness, vulgar lasciviousness, and the gross prurience of his mindThe mechanism of human facial expression: The muscle of lasciviousness (transverse part of m. nasalis)