latest technology最新科技;最新工艺
latest information最新资料,最新信息
latest news最新消息,最近新闻
latest version最新版本
at the latest最迟;至迟
latest product最新产品
latest design最新的款式
latest fashions最新的时装
latest style最新款式;最新造型
at latest至迟;最晚
latest time最晚时间;最近一次
final, last, ultimate, latest
final 最后的,指在一系列的事物中是最后的,而且是结论性的,决定性的。如:The judgment has become final.(这已是最后的判断。)
last 最后的,与first相对,还可指“上一次的”。如:My seat is in the last row.
ultimate 最终的,最后的,用于正式场合,含有最高的和最有权威的结果。如:He never considered the ultimate result of his action.(他从未考虑其行为的后果。)
latest 最近的,指时间上。如:the latest news(最新消息)
- This latest incident may be the lever needed to change government policy.
最近的事件或许可以作为迫使政府改变政策所需的手段。 - The news is all about the latest summit meeting.
这条消息是关於最近的首脑级会议的。 - The latest developments have just been released to the media.
最新的进展情况已向大众传播媒介发表。 - Have you read her latest work?
你读过她最新的作品吗? - The latest representatives booked in at 3 o'clock.
最后一批代表已经在三点钟报到了。 - But in his latest adventure, he will drive a bulldozer.
- You shall be back by six at the latest.
你应该最迟不超过7点钟回来。 - She is wearing the latest in hats.
她戴着最新款式的帽子。 - Have you heard the latest?
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An overview of anomaly detection techniques: Existing solutions and latest technological trends