- Even the seats look great, with tan leatherette seating surfaces and black leatherette covering the rest of the chair.
即使看上去非常的席位,与谭人造革座椅表面和黑色人造革覆盖其余的椅子上。 - Quality Medical leatherette used mattress foam molding, easy cleaning and maintenance, antifouling antistatic properties superior to other similar products.
Warm Leatherette (album)
PVC leatherette tissue box cover
Dry leatherette: Cronenberg's Crash
Marooned on the leatherette?
Warm leatherette: sort out security and let autonomy flourish
Habib Tengour: the world is a leatherette armchair
Record player housed in a grey and black leatherette carrying case
Marooned on the Leatherette? or How a Little Bit of Fiction Can Get You Started with Spoken Language Study
Spectroscopic Characterization and Nanosafety of Ag-Modified Antibacterial Leather and Leatherette
Rhizomatic Horror: Eclipsed Narrative and Experimental Weird Fiction in Steve Beard's Digital Leatherette