
英 [l'ju:sɪn]
美 [l'jusɪn]
  • n.


  • 学习怎么用


    Measurement of leucin metabolism in man from a primed, continous infusion of L-[1−13C] leucine
    A leucin-to-prolin mutation in the putative first transmembrane domain of the 22 kD peripheral myelin protein in Trembler-J mouse
    Ligand-induced internalization of TNF receptor 2 mediated by a di-leucin motif is dispensable for activation of the NFκB pathway
    Regulation of insulin secretion by energy metabolism in pancreatic B-cell mitochondria. Studies with a non-metabolizable leucine ana...
    Indicators of marginal biotin deficiency and repletion in humans: validation of 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid excretion and a leucine cha...
    Poplar Metal Tolerance Protein 1 Confers Zinc Tolerance and Is an Oligomeric Vacuolar Zinc Transporter with an Essential Leucine Zip...
    Darstellung und Verhalten der 2‐N‐Aminosäure‐2‐Desoxy‐Glucosen („Glucose‐Aminosäuren”︁) aus Glycin, Alanin, Leucin und Fr...
    Levels of dynorphin-(1-13) immunoreactivity in rat neurointermediate pituitaries are concomitantly altered with those of leucine enk...
    The Drosophila melanogaster flightless-I gene involved in gastrulation and muscle degeneration encodes gelsolin-like and leucine-ric...