- The printed libretto was handsomely got up.
New directions for young adult services
Clinical experience with the long-acting injectable formulation of the atypical antipsychotic, risperidone
Acupuncture Clinical Pain Trial in a Military Medical Center: Outcomes
P.2.005 Successful use of risperidone in an adult with the pervasive developmental disorder, Asperger's syndrome: a case report
Risperidone in the treatment of psychoses in the elderly: a case report series.
Contrafreeloading as a function of early environmental rearing conditions
Use of Transdermal Fentanyl in Patients with Continuous Non-Malignant Pain
A randomized controlled trial comparing three alternative and complementary health practices for the treatment of chronic pain
Psychometric properties of Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale in a sample of military active duty service members
Evaluation capacity building in an integrative, psycho-educational PTSD treatment program