Poetics of Play in the Theatre Piece «Lickspittle» by I. Ilf, E. Petrov, M. Volpin
Out Lickspittle Press
The Economy of Art: Michael Corris Asks Which Is Worse: The Lickspittle World of State-Managed Culture or the Kick-Ass World of the ...
Silence for the Royal Lickspittle
There's Far More to Journalism Than Just Propaganda; the Man Accused of Being a Tory Lickspittle Says Alastair Campbell Needs to Und...
Numbers Racket: Why the Democratic Party is a Corporate Lickspittle and Cannot Be the People's Party
GUILTY; Jim Wallace, Justice Minister and Labour Lickspittle, Stands Accused of Being an Arch Apologist for Criminals and Is Hereby ...
Sir Michael Was Told He Was Seen as a Lickspittle. He Looked Pained
Multiculture, double consciousness and the ‘war on terror’
Doctor says some hospitals too ready to apologise