PROCESS FOR PREPARING A FERMENTED DRINK FROM BEER WORTAn Empirical Examination of the Role of Social Exchanges in Alliance PerformanceQuality of spaghetti made from full and partial waxy durum wheat.Wstępne wyniki badań mikrofaunistycznych starszego trzeciorzędu rejonu Zatoki PuckiejМОНГОЛ ОРНЫ ЗАРИМ НУУРЫН ЭМЧИЛГЭЭНИЙ ШАВРЫН БАЛЬНЕОЛОГИЙН СУДАЛГААThe Effect of Dietary Palm Kernel Cake on Body Fat and Carcass of BarrowsIn limineChinese Capitalism in a Global Era: Towards Hybrid CapitalismMuzolimine and nitrendipine in the treatment of arterial hypertensionREARRANGEMENTS AND CYCLIZATIONS .9. REACTION OF N-PHENYLSULFONYL-S-(PARA NITROPHENYL)-S-CHLOROSULFILIMINE WITH 2,3,4,5-TETRAPHENYLCY...