Cement and Iron in the Arenaceous Foraminifera
Deep-water arenaceous foraminifera in the northwest Atlantic Ocean
Provenance changes for arenaceous formations of the northern Apennines, Italy
Research on Three Dimensional Geologic Modeling of the Arenaceous Braided River Reservoirs
Zircon SHRIMP age of Mesoarchaean meta-argillo-arenaceous rock in the Anshan area and its geological significance
Comparative hydrodynamic stability of brachiopod shells on current‐scoured arenaceous substrates
Proposal of zonation for the Late Tithonian–Late Eocene based upon arenaceous Foraminifera from the Outer Carpathians, Poland
The quantitative calculation of abnormal fluid pressure in argillaceous and arenaceous rocks and its geological applications
Reactive geochemical transport simulation to study mineral trapping for CO 2 disposal in deep arenaceous formations