- We watched a live television show.
我们观看了一场电视现场直播的表演。 - I missed the live broadcast of the Olympics.
Obama Speech 10:10 a.m. ET, Thursday: Post Your Comments Here
GSMA Announces New Global Research that Highlights Significant Growth Opportunity for the Mobile Industry
Liveness in Bounded Petri Nets Which Are Covered by T-Invariants
Liveness in bounded Petri nets which are covered by T-invariants
Liveness in Bounded Petri Nets Which Are Covered by T
Reconstruction of the clean and H covered “magnetic live surface layer” of Fe films grown on Cu(1 0 0)
Health status and health insurance coverage of women with live-born infants: an opportunity for preventive services after pregnancy
Recontextualizing participatory journalists’ mobile media in British television news: A case study of the live coverage and commemo...
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