Hypoplasia of cerebellar vermal lobules VI and VII in autism.Perinatal brain injury and cerebellar vermal lobules I-X in schizophreniaThe morphogenesis and adult pattern of the lobules and fissures of the cerebellum of the white ratSubdivision of hexagonal liver lobules into a structural and functional unit; role in hepatic physiology and pathologyThe morphogenesis and adult pattern of the lobules and tissues of the cerebellum of the white rat. J Comp NeurolDifferential contributions of the left and right inferior parietal lobules to number processing.Increased risk of local recurrence is associated with allelic loss in normal lobules of breast cancer patientsAbnormality of cerebellar vermian lobules VI and VII in patients with infantile autism: identification of hypoplastic and hyperplast...Evolution of the cerebellar cortex: the selective expansion of prefrontal-projecting cerebellar lobules.Abnormal development of the cerebellar vermis in children prenatally exposed to alcohol: size reduction in lobules I-V.