In vitro anti-Helicobacter pylori activity of extracts of selected medicinal plants from North West Cameroon.
Recyclable Heterogeneous Palladium Catalysts in Pure Water: Sustainable Developments in Suzuki, Heck, Sonogashira and Tsuji–Tr...
Error bounds in differentiation of noisy signals by high-gain observers ☆
Synthesis of Oxindoles by Tandem Heck-Reduction-Cyclization (HRC) from a Single Bifunctional, in Situ Generated Pd/C Catalyst
E2F-1: A Proliferative Marker of Breast Neoplasia
Management of incidentally discovered adrenal masses and risk of malignancy
Thompson, J. D. & Lumaret, R. The evolutionary dynamics of polyploid plants - origins, establishment and persistence. Trends Ecol. E...
Antirestenotic effects of inhibition of balloon injury medicted apoptosis with local delivery of a caspase inhibitor
Lumaret R, Barrientos E. Phylogenetic relationships and gene flow between sympatric diploid and tetraploid plants of Dactylis glomer...
Ecology of dung beetles in the French Mediterranean region (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)