lumbricoidThe Relationship between Temperature and Cocoon Incubation-Time for Some Lumbricoid Earthworm Species[Physiology of the chloragocytes of a lumbricoid earthworm]Lumbricoid fauna of cryosolic soils of YakutiaPENGARUIH DAERAH TEMPAT TINGGAL (PANTAI DAN NON PANTAI) TERHADAP INVESTASI CAGING ASCARIS lumbricoidcs PADA ANA K USIA 5 - 9 TAIIUN ...The intensity of infection with ascaris lumbricoidies and the anthropometric status of children in Bangladesh[abstract][Therapeutic trial with a single oral dose of pyrantel pamoate in infections by Enterovirus vermiculosis and Ascaris lumbricoides]AN OVARIAN ABSCESS CONTAINING A LUMBRICOID WORM WITHIN THE CAVITY: BACILLUS COLI COMMUNIS INFECTIONAn Ovarian Abscess Containing a Lumbricoid WormEsofagitis by Lumbricoid Ascaris