- He has a strong and lusty son.
他有一个体格健壮精力充沛的儿子。 - On the benches in his shop were the lusty and valiant young men.
他店内凳子上坐的都是一些强壮骠悍的小伙子。 - A lusty lady loved a lawyer and longed to lure him from his laboratory.
一位妖媚的小姐爱上了一个律师,渴望能诱使他远离他的实验室。 - Mary is a lusty singer and a devastating take-off artist.
Refractive-indexes and thermooptic properties of dye-laser solvents
Yeast shuttle and integrative vectors with multiple cloning sites suitable for construction of lacZ fusions.
Third-generation alumina-on-alumina ceramic bearings in cementless total hip arthroplasty.
The world list of threatened trees.
Decomposition of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate by pseudomonads
Membrane and cytosolic components affecting transport of the precursor for ornithine carbamyltransferase into mitochondria.
The carB gene of Escherichia coli: a duplicated gene coding for the large subunit of carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase
Characterization and derivation of the gene coding for mitochondrial carbamyl phosphate synthetase I of rat.
DNA sequence of the carA gene and the control region of carAB: tandem promoters, respectively controlled by arginine and the pyrimid...
Carbamoylphosphate synthetase I of rat-liver mitochondria. Purification, properties, and polypeptide molecular weight.