Frakturen und Luxationen im Wachstumsalter
Fatal atlanto‐axial luxation in rheumatoid arthritis
Pulpal healing after luxation injuries and root fracture in the permanent dentition
Clinical outcomes for permanent incisor luxations in a pediatric population. I. Intrusions.
Occurrence of pulp canal obliteration after luxation injuries in the permanent dentition
Revascularization of an immature permanent tooth with periradicular abscess after luxation.
Guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries. I. Fractures and luxations of permanent teeth
Guidelines for the Management of Traumatic Dental Injuries: 1. Fractures and Luxations of Permanent Teeth.
Femoral head size is a risk factor for total hip luxation: a study of 42,987 primary hip arthroplasties from the Norwegian Arthropla...
Subkapitale Korrekturosteotomie bei der Epiphyseolysis capitis femoris mittels chirurgischer Hüftluxation