malleable iron展性铸铁,可锻铸铁
malleable cast iron可锻铸铁;展性铸铁
- Lead and tin are malleable metals.
铅和锡是可锻的金属。 - The human brain is almost infinitely malleable.
人类大脑具有无限的可塑性。 - The young are more malleable than the old.
年轻人比老年人容易受影响。 - Every time we recall a long-term memory, it becomes malleable.
Non-malleable cryptography
Non-malleable cryptography
Non-malleable cryptography
Non-Malleable Cryptography
Non-Malleable Cryptography (Extended Abstract)
The Malleable Self: The Role of Self-Expression in Persuasion
Non-malleable non-interactive zero knowledge and adaptivechosen-ciphertext security
Non-Malleable Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge and Adaptive Chosen-Ciphertext Security
Non-malleable non-interactive zero knowledge and adaptive\nchosen-ciphertext security
Divergent consequences of success and failure in japan and north america: an investigation of self-improving motivations and malleab...