ventricular arrhythmia心室紊乱心律;心室性心律失常
cardiac arrhythmia心律失常;心律不整;心律紊乱
- The doctor found that he was born with arrhythmia.
A molecular basis for cardiac arrhythmia: HERG mutations cause long QT syndrome
QT dispersion: an indication of arrhythmia risk in patients with long QT intervals.
Risk factors for arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death late after repair of tetralogy of Fallot: a multicentre study
Classification by type of ventricular arrhythmia predicts frequency of adverse cardiac events from flecainide
MiRP1 Forms I Kr Potassium Channels with HERG and Is Associated with Cardiac Arrhythmia
Ca V 1.2 Calcium Channel Dysfunction Causes a Multisystem Disorder Including Arrhythmia and Autism
Mortality and morbidity in patients receiving encainide, flecainide, or placebo. The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial.
Increase in survival and bystander CPR in out-of-hospital shockable arrhythmia: bystander CPR and female gender are predictors of im...
Amiodarone in patients with congestive heart failure and asymptomatic ventricular arrhythmia. Survival Trial of Antiarrhythmic Thera...
Improved survival with an implanted defibrillator in patients with coronary disease at high risk for ventricular arrhythmia. Multice...