Selective Coronary Arteriography
Catheter replacement of the needle in percutaneous arteriography. A new technique
Dynamic gadolinium‐enhanced three‐dimensional abdominal MR arteriography
Coronary artery anomalies in 126,595 patients undergoing coronary arteriography.
Joint study of extracranial arterial occlusion. II. Arteriography, techniques, sites, and complications.
Coronary arteriography 1984–1987: A report of the registry of the society for cardiac angiography and interventions. I. Result...
Automated quantitative coronary arteriography: morphologic and physiologic validation in vivo of a rapid digital angiographic method.
Quantitative coronary arteriography: estimation of dimensions, hemodynamic resistance, and atheroma mass of coronary artery lesions ...
Accuracy and precision of quantitative arteriography in the evaluation of coronary artery disease after coronary bypass surgery. A v...
Myocardial imaging with thallium-201 at rest and during exercise. Comparison with coronary arteriography and resting and stress elec...