MEAN-SPIRITEDMean-SpiritedMean-Spirited?Native Women, Mean-Spirited Drugs, and Punishing PoliciesTHE ENDS AND THE MEAN-SPIRITED IN ACTION RESEARCH An EditorialTHE ENDS AND THE MEAN-SPIRITED IN ACTION RESEARCH'Nine Scorpions in a Bottle': The Abortion Ruling Shows How Mean-Spirited Life Has Become Inside the Marble TempleChimpanzees make mean-spirited, not prosocial, choices.A Mean-Spirited Sport: Japanese Brazilian Croquet in São Paulo's Public SpacesHerbert Spencer and the Political Economy of Mean-Spiritedness RevivedUN HUMAN RIGHTS CHIEF: Trump's immigration ban is illegal and 'mean-spirited'Rex Tillerson hits Washington for being 'a very mean-spirited town' in farewell speech at the State DepartmentMichelle Wolf's routine was mean-spirited and nasty — but it was far from unusual