- Conclusion The high blood viscosity is closely related to the pathogenesis of non-temporal arteritis AION.
结论高血粘度与非颞动脉炎性前部缺血性视神经病变的发生密切相关。 - In Taiwan, reports on the diagnosis of Takayasu arteritis based on MR imaging and MR angiography are rare.
Takayasu's arteritis. Clinical study of 107 cases
Ocular manifestations of giant cell arteritis.
Polymyalgia rheumatica and giant-cell arteritis.
Giant cell arteritis with a low erythrocyte sedimentation rate: comments on the article by Salvarani and Hunder
OP0042 Colour duplex ultrasonography in the diagnosis of temporal arteritis
Anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy in patients with difficult to treat Takayasu arteritis
The American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of takayasu arteritis
Limitations of therapy and a guarded prognosis in an American cohort of Takayasu arteritis patients.
Lack of association between macrophage migration inhibitory factor gene polymorphism and giant cell arteritis.
A randomized controlled trial of salmon calcitonin to prevent bone loss in corticosteroid-treated temporal arteritis and polymyalgia...