- Freckles are caused by the sediment of melanin.
色斑的形成是因为黑色素沉积。 - Melanin darkens the skin and is the cause of suntan.
Melanin Pigmentation in Mammalian Skin and Its Hormonal Regulation
Mice lacking melanin-concentrating hormone are hypophagic and lean.
A role for melanin-concentrating hormone in the central regulation of feeding behaviour.
Experimental Melanin-Induced Uveitis: Experimental Model of Human Acute Anterior Uveitis
Melanin-concentrating hormone overexpression in transgenic mice leads to obesity and insulin resistance.
Melanin-concentrating hormone 1 receptor-deficient mice are lean, hyperactive, and hyperphagic and have altered metabolism.
In Vivo Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy of Human Skin: Melanin Provides Strong Contrast
Antidepressant, anxiolytic and anorectic effects of a melanin-concentrating hormone-1 receptor antagonist
Generalized intestinal polyposis and melanin spots of the oral mucosa, lips and digits; a syndrome of diagnostic significance
Significance of a basal melanin layer to production of non-iridescent structural plumage color: evidence from an amelanotic Steller'...