- She brought her to life by artificial respiration.
她用人工呼吸使她恢复知觉。 - If the victim is not breathing, administer artificial respiration.
Artificial respirationArtificial respiration.Artificial RespirationArtificial respiration apparatusArtificial respiration, the history of an ideaHumidifier system for artificial respirationVentilation standards for use in artificial respirationCritical illness polyneuromyopathy after artificial respirationTHE USE OF ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION IN PULMONARY EMPHYSEMA ACCOMPANIED BY HIGH CARBON DIOXIDE LEVELSAlveolar-arterial O2 differences during artificial respiration in man.PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ROCKING METHOD OF ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION[Long-term oxygen inhalation therapy and home artificial respiration for chronic pulmonary heart disease]Lightning stroke. Report of a case with recovery after cardiac massage and prolonged artificial respiration