Hand eczema in metalworker trainees-
The metalworker and his tools / Conference - Belfast June 2016 / PGRM + ABSTRACTS
CALL FOR PAPERS : The metalworker and his tools - UISPP - June 2016 - Belfast
Reproducibility of a non‐invasive skin irritancy test in a cohort of metalworker trainees
Snapshot of a Final Bronze Age metalworker: Archaeometallurgical study of the hoard and the working tools from Chusa di Pesio, Cuneo...
An unusual case of mercurial baboon syndrome: lasting seasonal attacks in a retired metalworker
An evaluation of the relationship between 'atopic skin' and skin irritability in metalworker trainees
Polyvalent type IV sensitizations to multiple fragrances and a skin protection cream in a metalworker
Jacobins, Bolsheviks, and the Dream of Revolution: October 1917 in the Trajectory of a Brazilian Metalworker of African Descent
The Colouring, Bronzing, and Patination of Metals: A Manual for the Fine Metalworker and Sculptor : Cast Bronze, Cast Brass, Copper ...