Salicylic Acid: A Natural Inducer of Heat Production in Arum LiliesRegulation of heat production in the inflorescences of an Arum lily by endogenous salicylic acidPollination: Rotting smell of dead-horse arum floretsCarotenoid and ultrastructure variations in plastids of Arum italicum Miller fruit during maturation and ripeningEvidence for Stabilising Selection Acting on Flowering Time in Arum maculatum (Araceae): The Influence of Phylogeny on AdaptationThe major tuber storage protein of araceae species is a lectin. Characterization and molecular cloning of the lectin from Arum macul...THE RESPIRATION OF ARUM SPADIX. A RAPID RESPIRATION, RESISTANT TO CYANIDEQuinol oxidation in Arum maculatum mitochondria and its application to the assay, solubilisation and partial purification of the alt...Production of volatile amines and skatole at anthesis in some arum lily speciesLimited Learning on College Campuses