AbstainerAbstainerSelf-help abstainer clubs in PolandAngels and Loners: An Examination of Abstainer SubtypesAssociations between abstainer, moderate and heavy drinker prototypes and drinking behaviour in young adults.Angels and Loners: An Examination of Abstention Processes and Abstainer HeterogeneityLikelihood of being a Current or Former Smoker versus being a Life-time Abstainer: Nativity, Language, Generational Status, and Cont...Association Between Alcohol Consumption and Metabolic Syndrome Among Korean Adults: Nondrinker Versus Lifetime Abstainer as a Refere...Augmenting the theory of planned behaviour with the prototype/willingness model: predictive validity of actor versus abstainer proto...Can they recover? An assessment of adult adjustment problems among males in the abstainer, recovery, life-course persistent, and ado...