- As it turns out, that could have more to do with biology than misogyny.
事实证明,女人在天性上就不适合这里。 - My paper attempts to dig out the root of this particular form of misogyny.
Charcot and the myth of misogyny
Women's Madness: Misogyny or Mental Illness
Women's madness : misogyny or mental illness?
Misogyny in Rap Music: A Content Analysis of Prevalence and Meanings
Beauty and Misogyny-Harmful Cultural Practices in the West
Medieval misogyny and the invention of Western romantic love
Beauty and Misogyny: Harmful Cultural Practices in the West
Misogyny on and off the "Pitch": The Gendered World of Male Rugby Players
“The Night Took Over”: Misogyny in a Country-Western Gay Bar
Beyond targets: consequences of vicarious exposure to misogyny at work.