Misperception Among Gay Men of the Risk for AIDS Associated with Their Sexual BehaviorMistakes were made: misperception as a barrier to reducing overweightIn the shadow of misperception: assistive technology use and social interactionsNormative misperception and the impact of descriptive and injunctive norms on college student gambling.Physiological activation in patients with Sleep State MisperceptionSleep misperception and chronic insomnia in the general population: role of objective sleep duration and psychological profiles.Do you see what I see? Weight status misperception and exposure to obesity among children and adolescentsRhythmic cues to speech segmentation: Evidence from juncture misperception ☆ ☆☆Long-term study of the sleep of insomnia patients with sleep state misperception and other insomnia patientsDoes perception equal reality? Weight misperception in relation to weight-related attitudes and behaviors among overweight and obese...