- It takes about one hour for the mite to bury itself in the skin.
螨虫需要花费一个小时才能将自己埋藏到皮肤之下。 - Poor little mite!
可怜的小家伙! - He is a mite taller than I.
他比我高一点点。 - I offer a mite of comfort to him.
我给了他一点安慰。 - This curry is a mite too hot for me!
Mite faeces are a major source of house dust allergens
Dust mite allergens and asthma: Report of a second international workshop ☆
House dust mite allergens. A major risk factor for childhood asthma in Australia.
House dust mite allergen induces asthma via Toll-like receptor 4 triggering of airway structural cells
Clinical Significance of Skin Reactions to Mite Extracts in Children with Asthma
Exposure to house-dust mite allergen (Der p I) and the development of asthma in childhood. A prospective study.
The Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy (PIAMA) birth cohort study: Design and first results
Early exposure to house-dust mite and cat allergens and development of childhood asthma: a cohort study. Multicentre Allergy Study G...
Sequence analysis of cDNA coding for a major house dust mite allergen, Der p 1. Homology with cysteine proteases
The relative risks of sensitivity to grass pollen, house dust mite and cat dander in the development of childhood asthma