Study of the boundary layer : the 23th of june 2001 (IOP 2a) comparisons between data from model-aircraft-profilers network. The met...Patients as assessors of students: stakeholder opinions in medicine, nursing and pharmacyПРОЦЕСС ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЯ ОСНОВНЫХ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫХ ПРОГРАММ ВУЗА С ИСПОЛ...moffetMixture of antibiotics produced by a species of actinoplanesMOPPET [Media-oriented program promoting exploration in teaching] : an elementary (K-6) humanities program devoted to the developmen...Browning agent enhances visual appeal of microwaved foodsThe effect of changes in end‐tidal carbon dioxide on vascular reactivity of skin: A‐251Neuroanaesthesia利多卡因表面麻醉不影响喉电图评估喉的发声:一项前瞻、交叉、随机、双盲的安慰剂-对照研究