用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- ashamed look羞愧的表情
- ashamed person感到羞愧的人
动词+~- feel ashamed感到羞愧
- make sb ashamed使某人感到惭愧
~+动词不定式- ashamed to ask and learn from people below耻于下问
副词+~- deeply ashamed很惭愧
- much ashamed很惭愧
- very much ashamed非常惭愧
~+介词- ashamed at因…感到惭愧
- ashamed at being unable to give an answer因回答不出而感到羞愧
- ashamed of为…感到惭愧
- ashamed of doing such a thing为干这样的事而感到羞耻
- ashamed of oneself自感惭愧
ashamed of难为情,害臊;对…感到羞耻;对…感到惭愧
feel ashamed感到羞愧
shameful, ashamed
- He is ashamed for his former dishonorable action.
他对他以前不光彩的行为感到羞愧。 - He was ashamed that he had lied.
他很惭愧他说了谎。 - As for you, you should feel ashamed.
至于你,你应该感到惭愧。 - He jumped up,looking a little ashamed of himself.
他跳了起来,显得有点惭愧。 - She seemed ashamed, and turned away as we went by.
她似乎很害臊,所以在我们走过的时候,她把头扭过去了。 - You ought to feel ashamed of yourself for having descended to such falsehood.
Ashamed to be selfish
"What, Me Ashamed?"Shame Management and School Bullying
Too Ashamed to Report: Deconstructing the Shame of Sexual Victimization
"I feel really ashamed": How does unemployment lead to poorer mental health?
`I'm ashamed to admit it but I have watched Dallas': the moral hierarchy of television programmes
Ashamed to be an American? The role of identification in predicting vicarious shame for anti-Arab prejudice after 9–11
Overvalued and ashamed: considering the roles of self-esteem and self-conscious emotions in covert narcissism.
Beliefs about Penis Size: Validation of a Scale for Men Ashamed about Their Penis Size
Everything That Linguists Have Always Wanted to Know About Logic But Were Ashamed to Ask
Everything That Linguists Have Always Wanted to Know about Logic, But Were Ashamed To Ask by James D. McCawley (review)