- An ashen neckwear is worn with a shirt of any colour.
暗灰色的领带配什么颜色的衬衣都行。 - Her ashen face show how much the news have shocked her.
Molecular Basis of Transient Outward Potassium Current Downregulation in Human Heart Failure A Decrease in Kv4.3 mRNA Correlates Wit...
Clinical practice. Low HDL cholesterol levels
Low HDL Cholesterol Levels
Possible adaptive value of water exchanges in flexible-shelled eggs of turtles.
Diets and cardiovascular disease: an evidence-based assessment
Diagnosing Programmable Interconnect Systems for FPGAs
Isolation and characterization of the human gene encoding Ito: further diversity by alternative mRNA splicing.
Molecular and Ecological Evidence for Species Specificity and Coevolution in a Group of Marine Algal-Bacterial Symbioses
High density lipoprotein cholesterol: an evolving target of therapy in the management of cardiovascular disease.
Vasopressin gene transcripts in mineralocorticoid hypertension: an in situ study