用作副词 (adv.)
动词+~- come ashore上岸
- go ashore上岸
- stagger ashore一脚深一脚浅地走近岸边
- struggle ashore挣扎到岸边
- swim ashore游向岸边
- wade ashore涉水走向岸边
- They have been ashore for two hours.
他们上岸已经两个小时了。 - Until then, the bears stranded ashore will have company.
在那之前,徘徊于岸上的北极熊也会有访客。 - The oil comes ashore in floating patches that stain the coral black and gray.
浮在海面上的片片油污漂到岸上,把珊瑚都染成了黑灰色。 - He managed to swim ashore.
他设法向岸边游过去。 - The dusk fell before we waded ashore.
我们涉水上岸之前天色就已经暗了。 - We were helped ashore by local people.
Ocean floor comes ashore
Intercepting the first rat ashore.
Marine mammals ashore: a field guide for strandings
Marine Mammals Ashore : A Field Guide for Strandings
Sea Changes Ashore: The Ocean and Iceland's Herring Capital
Marine Mammals Ashore: A Field Guide for Strandings. Second Edition
Bringing the Offshore Ashore: Transnational Production, Industrial Relations and the Reconfiguration of Sovereignty 1
Hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from Japanese tsunami marine debris washing ashore in the northwestern United States.
Avian assimilation and dispersal of carbon and nitrogen brought ashore by breeding Westland petrels (Procellaria westlandica): a sta...
Transnational drifters or hyperspace dwellers: an exploration of the lives of Filipino seafarers aboard and ashore