Benign plexiform (multinodular) schwannoma: a rare tumour unassociated with neurofibromatosisSimple goiter and its variants: euthyroid and hyperthyroid multinodular goitersFamilial nontoxic multinodular thyroid goiter locus maps to chromosome 14q but does not account for familial nonmedullary thyroid ca...Is hepatic resection for large or multinodular hepatocellular carcinoma justified? Results from a multi-institutional database.Diffuse (or multinodular) follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma: a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical analysis of...High incidence of multinodular toxic goitre in the elderly population in a low iodine intake area vs. high incidence of Graves' dise...Prospective study of postoperative complications after total thyroidectomy for multinodular goiters by surgeons with experience in e...Identification of constitutively activating somatic thyrotropin receptor mutations in a subset of toxic multinodular goiters.Comparison of the complications of subtotal, near total and total thyroidectomy in the surgical management of multinodular goitre.TSH-receptor antibody measurement for differentiation of hyperthyroidism into Graves' disease and multinodular toxic goitre: a compa...