- A balloon is mysteriously "sucked"into a flask.
一个气球神秘地被吸进了一个细颈瓶。 - My car mysteriously vanished last night.
Chocolate, a mysteriously appealing food
On Mysteriously Missing T-duals, H-flux and the T-duality Group
A 'Wimpy' Flu Strain Mysteriously Turns Scary
Chocolate, a mysteriously appealing food (p 205-206)
Heart transplantation mysteriously eliminates arrhythmia
`Baby Jesus' Figure Arrives as Mysteriously as It Left
Revised Galileo data leave Jupiter mysteriously dry.
Drug resistance. A 'wimpy' flu strain mysteriously turns scary
That Other Greenhouse Gas: Somewhat mysteriously, the rise in atmospheric methane levels has ceased
What a Coincidence: Bankers, Doctors, and Dozens of Scientists Have Been Dying Mysteriously