- Gaffer was no neophyte and had no fancies.
老头儿不是新手,他不会胡思乱想。 - And even though many of them are neophyte gamblers, they often bet thousands of dollars on a single hand.
Invasion, dispersal and ecology of the South African neophyte Senecio inaequidens in the Netherlands: from wool alien to railway and...
Short-term physiologic response in neophyte subjects fitted with hydrogel and silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Reflecting on initiating sport psychology consultation: a self-narrative of neophyte practice.
The experiences of neophyte teachers: a critical constructivist assessment
Alien aquatic plants in a thermally abnormal river and their assembly to neophyte-dominated macrophyte stands (River Erft, Northrhin...
The neophyte female delinquent: A review of the literature.
Neophyte species richness at the landscape scale ...
Spreading to a limit: the time required for a neophyte to reach its maximum range
Essentials of neophyte mentorship in relation to the faculty shortage
A longitudinal examination of neophyte applied sport psychologists' development.