
meantime watertight extinguisher fitting escort quartermaster salute salvo plaster weld patch superstructure bluejacket drove scupper aghast pit battery whip flagship spick and span aye expedite at one's service beckon cruiser parade break up boatswain squeal self-conscious corps brace gesture plain civilian August general admiral turret rig awning strike up quarter-deck spangle shatter brass band swirl camouflage steam destroyer primeval loudspeaker pipe go about go tint mist haze wilderness pervade diversify subsidy churn out shipyard ailing coordinate concerted map hydrographic perimeter marine mercantile rouble hard currency sea-lane eec seaborne justify counter Iron Curtain ratify lay down code dockside put up container up-market slice hold on to throw in the towel inroad currency run be big on buoyancy provided plus parcel Bangkok spare parts shipment call at entrenched bankruptcy feel the pinch doldrums ore bulk carrier bite slump mothball jammed estuary plummet rate cut back tanker quadruple scramble for weather make a killing dodgy cartel cargo cut-throat sailing ship concession cash in on cash in tonnage the lion's share be bent on undercut carve bloc block stiff elbow peril deficit lifeline rue Britannia spear odour penetrating neon attribute settlement woodstove Home Brew disorderly slattern gauche perturbed conventional mouth swell burst out momentarily handle classy blonde stockyard despise warmth tendency timid blurred confide harsh jerkwater flamingo sore teeter slender enviable skintight slant blunt perm frizzy carmine animated expressionless stolid astound rainbow chrome tuneful boom jukebox scarcely immerse pneumonia reproach fail ill at ease squawk a bunch of birch chipmunk sparrow aeon mockery plaintive ululate phantom streak bracken undergrowth pier damp overhang goddamn log dogged hang around reed lore lean on squash thrash coyote whippoorwill impart prophetess junior nest exalted orate spring from extensive bizarre interest stamp scorn skull coarse scuff exclaim tote meticulous cone rug fissure bleach antler moose