
wholesale retail price price retail trade retail resumption resume base on based on be based on rest rest on restricted restrict impose on striction restriction resourceful mineral natural resource sauce sour source resource solute resolute resident residence reside bear little resemblance to semble semblance come to someone's rescue rescue reschedule behalf in behalf of on behalf of on behalf representation representative reproduction plicate duplicate plica replica again and again repetitive repetition repeat repeated repeatedly lord low-rent tenant landlord rental rent-free rent model remodel reminder remind remedy for cure remedy religious religion creed relieved relieve relief relative relate regretful regretfully regret register registration hold in regard as refund refreshment fresh refresh refer refer to recyclable cycle recycle recruit recreational activity activity creativity recreation recreational recovery recommend to recommendation commend recommend recognizable reckless reck withdraw withdrawal recede retreat cession recession receptionist reception sion receipt reconstruction rebuild rebellious rebel against repel rebel rebellion readily readability illegible legible readable irrational sensibility sensibly sensible reasonably reasonable ration rational scarce scarcely seldom rarely rare rapidity hurry up quickly high ranking high-ranking bank rank radically radical racism racial race quotation quote quit quarter quant be of in pursuit of pursue pursuit purposeful purpose industry publishing publisher publish public transportation in public public psychology psychologist psychological advocacy advocation proponent properly promotional promisingly promising make progress make a profit profit profession professionally professional processed in all probability privacy principal prestige prestigious election presidential election presidential candidate candidate preservative preservation presentation preschool preschooler do for preparation for in preparation for preparation prepare pregnancy pregnant predictable predict predictive prediction preciously in favor pray prayer practical practically pottery prospect prospective potentially potential potent impossibly impossible impossibility possibly possible possibility serving helping portion portable portability pollutant pollute polluted air pollution pollution pollen politics politician political soil polish poison poisonous point pointed pointy