
six of one and half a dozen of the other Murphy's Law it takes two to tango make ends meet two can play at that game like clockwork have got it made catch-22 at the eleventh hour one's own undoing one's number is up have a one-track mind saddle with sticking point one step ahead have one foot in the grave one fell swoop move up in the world one in the eye for someone safety in numbers number cruncher nineteen to the dozen throw in the towel go on strike never in a million years take the bull by the horns of a kind in dribs and drabs half the battle chance in a million go Dutch half a mind splash out put two and two together keep an eye on five-finger discount grow on trees of the first water leaps and bounds get nowhere out of the gate fifth wheel have one over the eight forty winks turn up the heat turn off something will never fly prepare the ground skin in the game play one's cards right two-faced leave the door open keep someone posted live high off the hog beggars can't be choosers back to the wall make or break on one's uppers suit every pocket be accused of sting someone for something on the dot down payment scrimp and save feather in one's cap rags to riches price out of the market miss the boat pay over the odds out of one's own pocket get one's money's worth fall on one's sword throw good money after bad see the color of someone's money downhill put one's money where one's mouth is live in clover not for love or money sports car get the better of someone make a killing money for jam money burns a hole in one's pocket look like a million dollars slip through live beyond one's means dip into laugh all the way to the bank be made of itchy palm on the breadline hit pay dirt come a long way rake in gnomes of Zurich feed the kitty feather one's nest in the sun cost the earth make a comeback the other side of the coin out of the picture money to burn born with a silver spoon in one's mouth head for on second thought ill-gotten bet one's bottom dollar make a go of fall from grace planning permission rob Peter to pay Paul back to square one be interested in smash hit a bone of contention not hold a candle to first base nest egg