
survival of the fittest get-together kind of tied up right there karaoke go skiing go skating ski skate go camping go to a movie eat out spin throw a party would rather down buddy the more the merrier merry in a good mood hang out price tag blast as for share with sorrow final call democratic betray colleague mentally financial thanks to housework spotless french window French door preferably preferable multifunctional intelligent dream about frankly fantastic out there armchair oversized balcony soak up soak up the sun delicate idol enlarge liven up sky blue breathtaking panoramic view panoramic be intended to common people sense of belonging luxurious spacious posh birch silver birch ginkgo willow poplar awesome gentle breeze lovely fitness fountain adorable fresh air oxygen fragrance intoxicating breathe out carbon dioxide breathe in bench badminton hide-and-seek go for a walk dew sparkle humid frigid zone subtropical temperate temperate zone monsoon continental blessing rush hour traffic jam in advance weather forecast mysterious depressed lousy believe it or not outing outdoor activity public transportation mood swing swing downpour drizzle rain cats and dogs cats and dogs make down cheer up blow over breeze chirp dark green dark red cozy picturesque feast burnt reddish bright red crimson turn into maple blaze tone feature fairyland flake snowflake dreamy incredibly freezing cold scorch freezing scorching imaginative arty honestly architect attitude architecture aesthetic exterior grain in sight phenomenon boost tourism modernization modernize city slicker slicker rural areas countryside greenery skyscraper city planning living standards flavour fancy photographer to death earth-shattering stay away from appeal to hustle and bustle excellent health care Social Services spring to mind scrumptious local snack snack calligraphy craft antique Temple of Heaven Forbidden City tourist attraction dynamic eye-catching intermingle attach to emotional metropolis born and bred satisfying as far as I am concerned as far as outshine base on prerequisite in terms of in other words compensation shopping mall overload too much a little bit service industry to the contrary on the contrary steady red flag show off stick to recruiter overshadow versatile shine on infinite bottleneck dead-end pragmatic vibrant learning curve monotonous dark side job vacancy vacancy to be frank catch-22 socially inexperienced in short supply to begin with public relation specialist veterinarian psychological pharmacist kill triviality concentrate on on top on the other hand fail to stand out make contribution to all the time frustrated round the clock around the clock