ON THE ACTION AND PROPERTIES OF THE WHITE BLOOD-CELLS. DO THE INTRAVASCULAR WHITE BLOOD-CELLS POSSESS THE PROPERTY OF AM$OElig;BOID ...Escherichia coli, but not Staphylococcus aureus triggers an early increased expression of factors contributing to the innate immune ...Orientação profissional : avaliação de uma proposta de trabalho na abordagem socio-historicaCompany financial performance: Does board size matter? Case of the EUROSTOXX50 indexPost-mortem personalisation : an ethnographic study of funeral directors in New ZealandRitual killings have satanic overtonesEl poder en el psicoanálisis`Die mother father brother.'Aspectos deontológicos de la investigación educativa mediada por la tecnologíaVibration-Based Method for Damage Detection at Welded Beams and Rods