- Let us offer thanks to our protector, the wise and kind Athene.
让我们来感谢我们的保佑者,贤明而仁慈的雅典娜神。 - The great horse came to a standstill in a quiet corner close by the temple of Athene.
...nest-site selection by burrowing owls (Athene ...Re-Engineering Female Friendly Science. Athene Series.Differential Predation on Gerbils (Meriones) by the Little Owl, Athene brahmaUse of Recorded Calls to Detect Burrowing Owls (Uso de Llamados Grabados para Detectar la Presencia de Athene cunicularia)Feminist Science Education. Athene Series.Factors associated with nest- and roost-burrow selection by burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) on the Canadian prairiesHabitat selection, activity peaks and strategies to avoid road mortality by little owl Athene noctura. A new methology on owls resea...DIET AND FOOD-NICHE BREADTH OF BURROWING OWLS (ATHENE CUNICULARIA) IN THE IMPERIAL VALLEY, CALIFORNIADieta de athene cunicularia (aves, strigidae) y sus variaciones estacionales en ecosistemas agrarios de la pampa, argentinaNEST-SITE CHARACTERISTICS OF BURROWING OWLS (ATHENE CUNICULARIA) IN THE SNAKE RIVER BIRDS OF PREY NATIONAL CONSERVATION AREA, IDAHO,...